
The Fantastic Five of Skincare

We have access to all the information in the world with social media and the web at our fingertips. We are constantly exposed to information and opinions that we use to shape our lives every single day – that is why when it comes to skincare, it is hard to know what’s right and wrong […]


The Benefits of Beauty Boosters

The London Clinic specialises in helping you feel confident in your skin using the latest beauty technology. One of our most popular treatments at the moment is Beauty Boosters, also known as Skin Boosters.   What are Beauty Boosters? Beauty Boosters are a cosmetic treatment perfect for both men and women, and suitable for all […]


Safe Skincare During Pregnancy

When you are putting a lot of energy into growing a new human, following all the rules that come with pregnancy can seem overwhelming. However, with these simple guidelines, you can take care of your skin and your baby while feeling relieved that everything you are doing is safe and healthy.   Pregnancy Safe Skincare […]


5 Gifts Ideas for Valentine’s Day

Love is in the air with Valentine’s Day fast approaching. Whether you are celebrating with your significant other or your friends, Valentine’s Day is a special opportunity to show appreciation and love towards the people that mean the most to you. Whilst freshly cut flowers and chocolate boxes are usually the popular gifting option, stand […]

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